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3. – 10. 9. 2023
Never Never School 2023: Housing in times of crisis
The summer school took place from 3 to 10 September 2023 in Košice.
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4. 9. 2023, 19:00 – 20:30
"Housing Stories"
Public event of the Never Never School 2023: opening of the exhibition of the program's resident Fiona de Heer.
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5. 9. 2023, 19:00 – 20:30
"Participatory housing. What is it and what potential does it have to address housing unaffordability?"
Public event of the Never Never School 2023: Never Never Talk with Tomáš Hoření Samec.
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6. 9. 2023, 17:30 – 18:30
"How to organize as tenants?"
Public event of the Never Never School 2023: Workshop by Yuliya Moskvina
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6. 9. 2023 18:30 – 20:30
"Taste and Share with Never Never School"
Public event of the Never Never School 2023: discussion during informal dinner.
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8. 9. 2023, 19:00 – 20:30
"Housing in times of migration"
Public event of the Never Never School 2023: Never Never Talk with Fiona de Heer and Michal Sládek.
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9. 9. 2023, 19:00 – 20:30
"Never Never School exhibition"
Public event of the Never Never School 2023: Final show of the summer school.
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16. 6. – 15. 7. 2023
Summer School Open call
15.–6. 6. 2023
Residency Open call
Based on the open call, in August 2023 a 1-month funded residency took place. A chosen resident Fiona de Heer contributed to research on Housing in times of crisis. The residency was an outcome of a merged collaboration between East Slovak Gallery and Spolka Collective.
15. – 19. 9. 2021
Never Never School 2021: Caring cities
9 participants, workshops, lectures, installations, discussions and networking.
More about the summer school 2021 →
Facebook event →
28. 6. 2021, 18.00
Never Never Talk: Caring futures of cities
Philosopher Adriana Jesenková in dialogue with Lýdia Grešáková discussed ways of nurturing care in post-socialist cities.
Watch the video recording (in Slovak) →
21. 6. 2021, 18.00
Never Never Talk: Non-places, brownfields, terrain vague
In each city there are plenty of spaces that seem to have no particular use or function. On the first sight they lack any clear identity. Yet, they are full of life and potentials. Michal Hladký, CEO of Creative Industry Košice and Zuzana Tabačková from Spolka collective, discussed how to see them, approach them or form their future.
Watch the video recording (in Slovak) →
23. 9. 2020
Book launch Mapping the In-Between in East Slovak Gallery
Reading, discussion and film about the summer school for the first time presented in Košice.
1. 2. 2020
City and River: Book launch and film premiere
Never Never School meets Budapest to discuss the topic and results of the summer school 2019, premiering the short documentary about the school and presenting the publication Mapping the in-between: Interdisciplinary methods for envisioning other futures. How to create a better place for life in our cities? Together with the local audience and participants of the Never Never School we met at the new location of our partner Valyo to discuss the transferability of the topics and methods of the summer school to the context of Budapest. Our local partner in the discussion was Gergely Kukucska, an architect and member of Valyo, who loves to work with small scale interventions, activism and socially connected topics.
6. 9. 2019
Pop-up exhibition Mapping the in-between in VUNU Gallery
The outputs of the summer school 2019 were presented as a multimedia collaborative exhibition. It was an important informal occasion to start a discussion on alternatives in planning and the future of the site with local people.
1. 9. 2019
Mestoláska lecture: Realities X Utopias
We discussed the topic of utopia together with our guests from Romania KAJET Journal and local Ta Take Town from Prešov during the public event Mestoláska: Realities X Utopias.